Wednesday, January 1, 2025

THE MYSTERIUM: A Christian Fantasy Novel

I am thrilled to announce that my latest novel, THE MYSTERIUM, is now available and the eBook version is ON SALE This Week for only 99 Cents!!! Enjoy a Free 4 chapter sample of THE MYSTERIUM

The heroes were inspired by The Swiss Brethren, a group of bold 16th century Anabaptists who were hated for their beliefs and hunted across Southern Europe during the Renaissance. 

I really enjoy books and stories with a magic school setting like Harry Potter and Wednesday. I spent a lot of time thinking about how such a school could fit into a Christian Fantasy novel. Then it came to me. Daniel and his three friends, who were renamed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, were all sent to learn the language and literature of the Chaldeans at the original magic school, the training center for the magi in ancient Babylon. This is where I drew inspiration for The Mysterium Collegium, The College of Mystery. The Chaldeans possessed all of the knowledge of the ancient world. They were experts in Arithmetic, Architecture, and Astronomy. But they were also Zoroastrians, mixing the mystical, the supernatural, and the magical into everything they did. Imagine what it would have been like for Daniel and his friends to be taken to an institution where their beliefs and values were unwelcome, unwanted, and rejected with open hostility. 

Arthur Gilchrist is about to step into the lion’s den. 

Each year, the most exceptional students in the realm are selected to attend the prestigious Mysterium Collegium where they are tempted with luxury and privilege while training to quash an uprising of an ancient order known as The Path. Arthur has been chosen. This is his chance to escape the crushing grip of poverty and an opportunity to help his mother, but Arthur has a secret. He walks The Path. Join him on this quest through a land filled with danger and deception as he makes the treacherous journey to the seductive school. Stir in a dash of adventure, a spoonful of romance, a sprinkling of steampunk, a pinch of dark academia, a thimbleful of magic, a cup of intrigue, and you’ve got the recipe for a delicious fantasy with a zesty twist.  

Arthur and his friends are quite poor by worldly standards but rich in character.

Did you ever wonder why the Amish and Mennonites live the way they do? At the same time the fictional version of The Three Musketeers were battling the powerful French Cardinal Richelieu, in neighboring Switzerland, a trio of real-life heroes, The Swiss Brethren, faced the wrath of both church and state for nothing more than getting baptized, eating the Lord’s Supper, and preaching outside of the state-run churches. These brilliant young theologians were hated, hunted, imprisoned, plagued, and martyred. For centuries those who followed in their footsteps were hounded (both literally and figuratively) by Protestant and Catholic governments alike. Ultimately, they withdrew from society. For years I have wondered what would have happened if the originals had lived. So, I decided to create a fantasy world where they just might have a chance. Is it even possible to have a hero who never lies, does not steal, and will not kill? Easier said than done, I should think. So I took up the challenge…and indeed it continues to be challenging. But it was within such questions that the idea for Arthur Gilchrist found its genesis, the old English name Gilchrist meaning “servant of Christ". A combination of the musketeer D’Artagnan and George Blaurock of the Swiss Brethren, Arthur is the protagonist in my latest novel, THE MYSTERIUM, which in part derives its name from The Magisterium, the powerful church/state religious system present in Renaissance Europe that led to the persecution of those true in faith.

This is the backdrop for The Mysterium, a fascinating adventure filled with danger and intrigue. I hope you will enjoy this Christian Fantasy Adventure. Preview or Purchase THE MYSTERIUM on Amazon 

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Christians Persecuted for Providing Food, Clothing, and Shelter?

We have a dangerous situation developing for Christians in Texas that should be alarming to believers across the nation. Attorney General Ken Paxton is prosecuting Christian charities in border cities for...wait for it...providing food, clothing, shelter, and transportation to those in need. Not joking.

Once, a hobo in a state of mental duress, and possibly drunkenness, wandered into my hometown. Deacons from our church fed him, clothed him and drove him to a nearby motor inn between our town and the next to spend the night. The next day, they got him sorted out. If that happened today in Florida, they could be arrested for "transporting," the man if he was undocumented. Ken Paxton is trying to persecute/prosecute Christians for doing the same thing in Texas.

Our hometown had a ministerial alliance that maintained a food pantry and a clothing closet for the needy. Local pastors and businessmen frequently provided food, clothing, and gasoline to travelers in need. They didn't do a background check first. They viewed these a gospel-sharing opportunities. These very same activities are now being viewed as illegal for aiding migrants in our increasingly twisted nation.

Missionaries don't card people at the door.

Charities do not (and MUST NOT) check driver's licenses and passports before providing food, clothing and shelter to those in need. This is Christianity 101. If your charitable organization is located in a border town in Texas, you are going to have people from south of the border walk through your doors, some of whom are native Spanish speakers. Human beings from a variety of cultures and backgrounds will come to you for help. Maybe their families have lived here for generations. Perhaps they are new arrivals. It is not appropriate to stereotype individuals based on the color of their skin or to refuse to serve them because of a language barrier. That is called racism and xenophobia. For the Christian minister or missionary, it is an honor when someone comes to you for help. It is an opportunity to show them that Jesus loves them, even if the politburo does not.

Ken Paxton is attacking Christians for exercising the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith. This man must be stopped---and by that, I mean by all peaceful, legal, non-violent, and appropriate means available. My chosen method is raising awareness through social media.

If Christians are to be persecuted and prosecuted for providing food, clothing, and shelter, then our nation has truly descended into madness.

Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor... -Zechariah 7:10

For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, mighty, and awesome God, showing no partiality and accepting no bribe. He executes justice for the fatherless and widow, and He loves the foreigner, giving him food and clothing. So you also must love the foreigner, since you yourselves were foreigners in the land of Egypt.… -Deuteronomy 10:17-19

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger and you took me in. I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me; I was in prison and you visited me... -Matthew 25:35-36

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but does not have works? Can such faith save him? If a brother or sister lacks daily food and one of you says to them, Go and peace, stay warm, and be well fed, but you don't give them what the body needs, what good is it? In the same way faith, if it doesn't have works, is dead by itself. -James 14-17

Friday, January 26, 2024

RAZOR WIRE? Addressing the Sinfulness of Both Republicans and Democrats Toward Sojourners

Obviously, the deployment of razor wire along the Rio Grande is a political stunt being performed by Texas’ Governor Greg Abbot in order to provide political ammunition for Donald Trump, whose presidential campaign Mr. Abbot champions. If you can’t see that, then consider this your personal invitation to wake up to the reality that kicking human beings around like political footballs is sinful and wrong. And the Democrats are far from guiltless, their indifference and irresponsibility has drastically escalated the humanitarian crisis at our nation’s southern border. The behavior and attitudes of both Republicans and Democrats have been sinful and shameful with regard to this matter.

Now, the Rio Grande will run dry before I vote for Joe Biden or Donald Trump again. Decades of foolishness and neglect from the federal government have created a massive crisis at the border with Mexico. I fully support the right of Texas to attempt to solve the crisis, but must it be done with RAZOR WIRE? I don't even like using Barbed Wire to keep cattle in/out. I bear the scar on my own lip from an encounter with such a fence and several of my peers growing up were similarly marked. Using razor wire to keep human beings OUT and/or trap us IN is madness to me.

There is a clear and indisputable Biblical principal to apply to this issue.

Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt. -Exodus 22:21

Make fair judgements. Show kindness and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the widow, the fatherless, the sojourner, or the poor. -Zechariah 7:9

The Bible is full of admonitions for God’s people not to abuse or exploit people from other nations or cultures who choose to live among them. Different translations of the word ger, describe such people as foreigners, resident aliens, or sojourners. When you see those words in your Bibles, know that it is referring to immigrants, people who came from somewhere else, like all of our own ancestors. To not oppress them, yanah, means that anyone who claims the name of Christian may not maltreat, suppress or throw them out.

In fact, the tithe was a tax established among God’s chosen people in Israel to provide food for widows, orphans, and wait for it…sojourners, immigrants living among them. The basic moral principal still applies.

At the end of every three years, bring a tenth of all your produce for that year and store it within your city gates. Then the Levite, who has no portion or inheritance among you, the resident alien, the fatherless, and the widow within your city gates may come, eat, and be satisfied. And the LORD your God will bless you in all the work of your hands that you do. -Deuteronomy 14:28-29

Now, These United States of America do not comprise a Christian nation. Far from it. America does not have a special covenant with God as Israel did, but His principles of justice and righteousness apply to all nations at all times. God revealed his desire for how we should treat people. It is astonishing to me that the very same people advocating for so-called “Christian Nationalism,” can be so cold-hearted and xenophobic when it comes to the way our country treats immigrants desperately seeking a better life. This episode is just one of many that highlights their outlandish hypocrisy.

I would add, that, despite their assertions, such individuals are actually lacking in the very patriotism to which they so boisterously lay claim. Inscribed upon the Statue of Liberty are these words:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Either Lady Liberty is a Liar, or our beloved country has far gone astray. The message being demonstrated to the huddled masses at our southern border is the very opposite of that displayed on a plaque at Ellis Island. Perhaps it is time to resurrect the sentiment of the above poem by Emma Lazarus.

Over the past two decades, I have had many students who were the first English language speakers in their families. I frequently interact with people who possess limited English language skills. They are lovely, hard-working, conscientious human beings who are a valuable part of our community. My first-generation American students are bright, talented, respectful and responsible, translating for their parents and often working to help support their families. The first time a child enters my classroom with razor wire scars, I’m likely to purchase a pair of pointy toed cowboy boats and head on down to Austin to kick some butt (figuratively speaking of course).

Texas has spent BILLIONS of dollars on Border Security. I do not know how every dollar was spent, but in recent years the focus has been on fences, patrols and keeping people out. Perhaps if that money had been targeted to improving infrastructure and staffing for interacting with and helping human beings seeking to enter this country, to welcoming and assisting those who wish to make this country their home, as opposed to just keeping them out, they would be able to better handle the humanitarian crisis we are now witnessing on the Rio Grande. Perhaps if immigrants knew they could be dealt with compassionately and efficiently at legal points of entry (as opposed to being herded around like cattle, tossed around like a political football, caged, or trapped in a web of red tape) they wouldn’t be so desperate to enter illegally. Both Republicans and Democrats have gotten their hands filthy. Both are guilty. 

If politicians were more concerned about doing their jobs instead of scoring political points this crisis could have been solved long ago. They must come up with a better plan to deal with migrant workers in the Rio Grande valley. If I can have a passport card to easily cross into Canada or Mexico, then surely such a system could work from the other side of the border. And our country must become more efficient in processing requests from those who wish to become citizens.

The ugly truth is, that the border problem is much too juicy of a political tool for them to let go of it. It is in the selfish interests of politicians to rail about the problem and never solve it---because it keeps the political donations coming in. Rage fuels the money machine. They will milk this issue for all of its political worth until we the people make them stop. What we are dealing with is a fundamental lack of responsibility toward the safety of Americans on the part of the Democrats, a lack of compassion for Immigrants on the part of the Republicans, and ulterior motives on the part of BOTH factions.

Democrats think that immigrants from Central and South America will vote for them and they want to give, even those here illegally, the right to vote. I’ve got news for them. The immigrants I know and love, greatly value family and maintain a dedication to traditional Christian morals and values. They don’t want to vote for the blatant immorality of the democratic party, but they don’t want to vote for a party that appears to hate them because of the color of their skin or their country of origin due to the callous attitudes that have been so frequently directed toward migrants.

Nobody in their right mind wants to allow drug dealers and human traffickers to come streaming across the border, though it seems to be occurring…but stereotyping every immigrant and establishing policies for dealing with immigrants under the assumption that they are all harmful criminals is functionally racist. Some have gone so far as to call this an “Invasion,” at the southern border. This isn’t Red Dawn, these people aren’t attacking us with guns and tanks. They are coming here to work. Hateful, de-humanizing political rhetoric is sinful and harmful. If you cannot distinguish between immigrants and migrant workers seeking to provide a better life for their families, vs. drug dealers and human traffickers, then you need to remain silent on the matter. Also—if our southern border was more welcoming and efficient, fewer people would be willing to subject themselves to traffickers in order to get here.

I do not have the answers to solve this governmental crisis. What I do know is that both Republicans and Democrats have been derelict in their duties. Both of have failed this country miserably. Both have treated human beings, created in the image of God, as lesser than.

Meanwhile, sojourners continue to be neglected at our southern border. Human beings are being mistreated. This is sin. It falls to Christians to be the voice of reason, the moderators of rational thinking and compassion, calling both parties out for their sinful laziness, callousness, and apathy into righteous action.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

NOW AVAILABLE: The Mystery of Margaret Shepherd

In the early years of the trails of tears, a Quapaw chief asked an Ozarks minister to start a mission so all their children could learn and none would have to be sent away to boarding school anymore. When the government failed to provide the funding, local churches supplied the need. In a world that perceives sharing one's faith as an act of aggression and increasingly condemns missionaries and blames them for the sins of their respective governments, I felt it was important to provide a more truthful representation of such humble, self-sacrificing people. This is why Samuel Shepherd fills such a role in my latest novel. But the story, as you will learn, isn't about him... 

I am so pleased to share The Mystery of Margaret Shepherd with you in a continuation of The Shepherd Chronicles which follows a family of believers across generations. Here is a description:

A storm is brewing over Lost Valley. At its heart is a mystery spanning centuries. 

1835: Mina, a young woman of The Downstream People, is uprooted from her home and forced to journey far upstream with her tribe to an unfamiliar land. She will face difficulties, dangers and lurking enemies before a trio of unlikely allies alters the course of her life, transforming it into the stuff of legend.

2009: After a shocking accident incapacitates their friend, Benny Shepherd and Lucy Wheeler take comfort reading the stories of Mina, unaware of just how closely their lives are intertwined. The intersection of their history holds the key to unlock a mystery that threatens their friends and family, if the legends are true, but in Lost Valley, when it rains, it pours. With Benny and Lucy deluged by a flood of troubles and trials, will they discover the secret in time?   

Springtime in the Ozarks delivers peculiar adventures, forbidden love, quaint traditions, encounters with quirky friends and showdowns with dastardly villains in this second entry into The Shepherd Chronicles series.

Leap into this intriguing follow up to the groundbreaking novel, The Diary of Daniel Shepherd, from author Jerry Schultz.

Here is a link to the BOOK TRAILER: The Mystery of Margaret Shepherd

You can preview 4 chapters of this work of Christian Fiction and pick up your own copy here: AMAZON: The Mystery of Margaret Shepherd

Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Gifts of the Spirit: A Continuationist Point of View

The Holy Spirit empowers believers with a variety of gifts to build up the Church. Unfortunately, there are detractors who do not believe this Biblical teaching and openly mock and deride such a concept. Such classical Cessationists believe and teach that God no longer gives Spiritual gifts, speaks to people, or performs miraculous deeds. Their camp recently unveiled a large "Cessationist" conference to be held next year, promoting this view.  Not all cessationists are identical. Some believe that only certain gifts, which they term the "sign gifts," ceased to exist. They pick and choose certain spiritual gifts to accept among their church members, but often deny healing, physical miracles, the gift of tongues and prophecy, for example. That view is problematic and, in my view, untenable, requiring impossible feats of interpretive gymnastics to twist and bend Scripture to suit such a belief. If one of these folks ever claims to believe in miracles, know that they are most likely engaging in double-speak, classifying the salvation of a soul as a miracle, which it certainly is, but then denying all other types of miraculous occurrences.  

What concerns me the most is that they have created a straw man to topple over by showing video clips of bizarre and wildly unbiblical activities occurring on the outermost fringes of the spectrum of Christian belief in an attempt to characterize ALL Continuationists, who believe in the perpetuation of Spiritual Gifts, as demonic weirdos. This tactic is uncharitable, inappropriate and untruthful. The Bible warns against people who possess a form of religion, but deny the power, thereof. Here is an overview of what Scripture teaches about Spiritual Gifts.


Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy with cheerfulness. -Romans 12:6-8



If prophecy, in proportion to our faith


Where are some places in our culture that you are likely to encounter false prophecy? Perhaps television, bookstores, social media, online news sources, blogs or magazines come to mind?


What types of false prophecy might you come across? Making prophecies by the moon and stars, interpreting harbingers, etc? All of these are forbidden in Isaiah 47:13-14 and Deuteronomy 18:10-14.


The gift of prophecy can be controversial. Because there are so many opportunities for Christians to be misled, I will give special attention to this gift and how it was used in the first century. Prophecy is frequently defined as speaking with divine authority about the past, present or future.[1]


Because the canon of Scripture is closed, there will be no more prophecies given about the end times. Outside of the book of Revelation, future prophecy was rare in the Post-Resurrection New Testament and when it was given, it was never given for personal profit or selfish gain. Acts 11:27-30 records an event where a prophet named Agabus stood up and predicted by the Spirit that there would be a severe famine. The disciples from Antioch responded by sacrificially giving so they could send relief to the people of Judea.


Another manifestation of the gift of prophecy is the ability to preach the word of God with boldness. Acts 4:31 records that the disciples prayed and God gave them tremendous bravery through the Spirit to proclaim the word in the face of great opposition. The word prophet, or prophetes, was used by the Greeks to refer to someone who could interpret oracles, or prophecies. It is proper to apply this in a Christian setting to someone who is gifted by the Spirit with the ability to understand, interpret and explain Biblical prophesies well, especially with regard to how Old Testament prophecy is fulfilled in the New Testament.


1 Corinthians 14:3 provides the clearest definition of the gift of prophecy, showing how the helper and counselor, the Holy Spirit, works through people:


The one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation. 


These words describe building the church and the individuals in it by helping them to grow in Christian wisdom, grace and the knowledge of our Lord. They describe coming alongside a person, family, or church to offer helpful, persuasive and even corrective instruction when necessary to guide people through difficult situations and keep them on the right path. This passage also describes offering comfort and counsel to someone in need with Biblical wisdom and insight for applying Scripture. Brotherly support, instruction, correction, strengthening, comfort and love are the purpose of this spiritual gift.


The gift of prophecy is about being sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It’s about being teachable and being willing to say what God wants us to say and do what He wants us to do to strengthen, build, correct and encourage the church.



if service, in our serving


The gift of service, or ministry, is the ability to assist others and meet their needs. It comes from the root word for serving tables, because those who minister to the Body of Christ, serve and take care of the body. Those with this gift feed the church, care for its needs and look out for the interests of others.


There are a variety of benevolence ministries in the church where someone with this gift might serve. They could volunteer to serve meals, operate a food pantry, supervise a loan closet or coordinate a clothing ministry. They receive deep satisfaction and joy from serving others and consider it a privilege to be able to do so. James wrote:


If a brother or sister is without clothes and lacks daily food and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, stay warm, and be well fed,” but you don’t give them what they body needs, what good is it.” (CSB)


The Holy Spirit empowers people through this ministry gift to show the love of Jesus by meeting people’s physical needs so that their hearts may be softened to have their spiritual needs met.



the one who teaches in his teaching


The gift of teaching is given for the purpose of equipping others. Someone with this ability can explain difficult things in a way that is easy to understand. A gifted teacher will be consumed with the word of God and passionate about helping others to understand it. Jesus forbids New Testament teachers from bearing the title Rabbi. Rabbis collected disciples for themselves. But Didasko, Teachers, those with the gift of didaskalia, make disciples for Christ.


Teachers equip other believers for the work of ministry. A teacher is probably someone who enjoys speaking in front of people and leading discussions about the Bible. A Spirit-empowered teacher can graciously correct brothers and sisters in Christ. A person with the gift of teaching will love to study God’s word and have a burning desire to share what the Holy Spirit has taught them with others.



the one who exhorts, in his exhortation


The gift of exhortation is the Spirit-empowered ability to call people into action. Someone with this gift can recognize the giftings and callings in other people’s lives and call them into service. Exhortation tells people how to respond to God’s word and apply it to their lives.


An exhorter can stir others up, spurring them on to love and good deeds. Exhorters strengthen and build up the church, helping people to be courageous and unafraid. They plead with their peers to become active participants in the ministry of the church, urging others to serve and share the Gospel.

Those with the gift of exhortation serve the Body of Christ by mobilizing and maximizing each part as the Holy Spirit works through them to encourage, counsel and set ministry in motion. An exhorter can get people out of their seats and into the streets to spread the Gospel.



the one who contributes, in generosity


A person with the gift of giving is generous with their resources, viewing them as a gift from God. We have some people in our Sunday Morning Bible Fellowship with the gift of giving. They feel like God has blessed them to be a blessing to others. When they hear of someone in need, they do not hesitate to open their purses and wallets. In fact, it gives them great joy to be able to help. Giving can also extend beyond money to include time, resources, etc.


A giver might take pleasure in giving money to support vital ministries. They probably give above and beyond their tithe on a regular basis. They feel happiness from donating food, clothing, money or other items to provide for those in need.



the one who leads, with zeal


Leadership in this usage refers to those who watch over the church in a superintending role. This is someone who presides over church affairs with enthusiasm and who goes before others, setting a good example. These are people who look out for the well-being of others and help them find their place of service and ministry in the church. They protect against false teachers, guard the peace of the assembly and ensure that believers are being equipped.


Leaders should be patient when others make mistakes. They enjoy helping people to realize their gifts and use them to their fullest potential. Their sights are set on fulfilling the Great Commission and they lead others in that direction. They organize opportunities for church members to grow, reach out, serve and share the Gospel. Leaders take pleasure in watching others thrive and become successful. They find joy and purpose in equipping others to be capable and confident.



the one who does acts of mercy with cheerfulness


Mercy and compassion are key aspects of the character of God that are brought about in the lives of believers by the Holy Spirit. Psalm 145:8 declares:


The LORD is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.


This gift goes beyond feeling sorry for someone and moves people into the action of demonstrating kindness to those who need it most. Mercy is the showing of compassion to drug addicts, prostitutes, those who are imprisoned, drunks and others on the fringe of society. Mercy extends God’s forgiveness to those who are being devoured by sin. Mercy looks the most vile of sinners in the face, realizes but for the grace of God this could be me, and then treats them with dignity, honor, respect and most importantly love, the kind of love that tells them of the cleansing, healing, restoring, forgiving power of Jesus and invites them to respond.


Romans 12:9-15 lists other abilities the Holy Spirit brings forth in our lives:



Rejoice in hope; be patient in tribulation


Faith is the opposite of despair, doubt and despondency. The Holy Spirit fills us with hope and helps us to trust in God. Faith enables us to endure difficult situations and to pray through them with persistence.


Have you ever been going through a difficult or traumatic situation and someone came alongside you bringing hope and comfort? Have you ever needed to lean on someone who had faith in times when you were doubting?


A person with the gift of faith can share their confidence and trust in God with others in moments of the most crucial need. They trust that God cares about His children and that He actively responds to prayer. A person with special faith might fervently believe that God will heal someone or they might be confident in the hope that He supernaturally protects us when we pray and ask Him to. Faith is often expressed through prayer. Those with this gift believe that prayer can change any circumstance to bring glory to God and they impart their faith to others.



Be constant in Prayer


Prayer is intimate communication with God through the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus. This gift is available to all Christians the moment we believe and cry out to Him. To be constant means to pray without ceasing, to be faithful in prayer, to be steadfast and devoted to prayer. Ephesians 6:18 encourages us to pray this way:


Pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request and stay alert with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints. (CSB)


A life of Prayer is about consistently seeking and asking God. It is about sincerely seeking His will and persistently asking Him for what we need and earnestly desire.


Intercession is when we pray for others and on their behalf. I have witnessed occasions when the Holy Spirit laid a certain person or family on someone’s heart to pray for them. When the praying person followed up, they found out that the person was injured or a family member was in the emergency room. They prayed with the Spirit. Any time a person suddenly pops up in your thoughts and you feel concerned for their well-being, you should pray because the Holy Spirit may be leading you to do so. Often times, when praying for someone who is sick or injured, the Holy Spirit will guide us as to how to pray and what to pray for. He does the same thing when we pray for wisdom, for guidance and over various aspects of our lives. We need to open our hearts and listen when we pray.


Those who are gifted in prayer have an essential role in the church. They pray as the Holy Spirit guides them to ask for protection, resources and provision for their church. They pray for leaders to have wisdom and souls to be saved. They pray for families, children and communities. They pray for peace and safety. They pray over all aspects of a church’s ministry and for its members. We might only truly know in eternity how great their impact was.


Some believers are skillful and gifted prayer warriors with a rich and vibrant prayer life, others have a lot of growth still ahead of them, but all have access to this special present. Prayer is the master key that releases us from the chains of fear and opens the door to receive God’s blessing. Gifts from the Holy Spirit, such as healing and miracles are the result of Faith expressed through Prayer. Wisdom from the Holy Spirit comes to us in times of prayer. The word pray means to ask. Prayer is about seeking God’s will, His purpose, His plan, His power and His presence in our lives.



Seek to show Hospitality


The Holy Spirit specially equips some people with the ability to make others feel welcome. They strengthen the bond between believers by developing a sense of belonging. They remove anxiety, helping people to feel comfortable and relaxed, putting their minds at ease. Someone with the gift of hospitality finds pleasure in providing fellowship and comradery in a way that is warm, and friendly, like family. They create an environment where people feel wanted and appreciated.


These gifted servants might enjoy hosting gatherings in their home. They seek to include people outside of their normal peer group. They might invite someone who just moved to town over for dinner or hold a weekly Bible study in their living room. Hospitality can be extended to both unbelievers and believers. It can aid in both outreach and fellowship. Providing a comforting atmosphere for a funeral meal or planning a welcome dinner for a new pastor are examples of this. We are all called to be hospitable, but someone with this gift can take a leading and teaching role.  



Rejoice with those who rejoice;

weep with those who weep


Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, view a situation through their eyes and come alongside them with compassion & understanding. This gift is also meant to help bring peace and harmony to the church. An empathetic person can see things from another’s point of view and reason together with them in a brotherly way.


This gift often works hand in hand with showing mercy. It is a special gift to not only be able to sympathize with someone going through a hard time, but to also be able to help.


1 Corinthians 12: 1-30 introduces additional spiritual gifts.


Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. -1 Corinthians 12:4-7


Here are some additional gifts found in verses 8-11 and 28.



For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit


Colossians 2:3 tells us that all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found in Christ Jesus. Through the Holy Spirit inside of us, we have access to that wisdom and knowledge. In chapter seven we learned that one type of prophetic ministry involves giving comfort, wise counsel and advice to help people through difficult situations. One of the ways that God accomplishes this is by giving us the ability to speak words of wisdom and knowledge.


Knowledge, or gnosis, refers to facts. A word of knowledge could mean that a person recalls the teachings and principles of Scripture, or remembers a passage of the Bible that applies to a specific situation. Any knowledge found in the world through natural revelation or through special revelation in Scripture can be supernaturally given to a believer or brought to our attention at just the right moment. Knowledge refers to all good and proper learning of the Bible and all subjects. God helps us to be perceptive and understanding in all situations. Jesus told the disciples that when they were persecuted and brought before authorities, not to worry about what they would say because the Holy Spirit would tell them what to speak.


God may reveal special knowledge to a person about how to reach or minister to another. He might give us something specific to pray for when it comes to healing a physical injury or medical condition or mending a familial relationship. I can attest that He has guided me about how to pray for any variety of situations and needs when I was listening and sensitive while praying for someone.


Wisdom, or sophia, refers to the proper application of knowledge. To be wise is to be prudent, to show discretion and to be skillful in managing things. A wise person has the ability to use and apply knowledge. In the same way that Solomon was made wise by God, we are given great wisdom and decision-making ability through the Holy Spirit. All Christians have access to that level of wisdom.


Words of Knowledge and Wisdom are important ministries:


A word spoken in due season is like apples of gold in settings of silver. –Proverbs 25:11


A man has joy in an apt answer, and how delightful is a timely word! –Proverbs 15:23


The Lord God has given me the tongue of those who are instructed to know how to sustain the weary with a word. –Isaiah 50:4


Words of Knowledge and Wisdom refresh us when we are worn out and beat up by the world. They comfort our hearts and set things in motion


Messages of Knowledge and Wisdom are used to give guidance and wise advice to benefit the church and encourage believers. God equips people to guide churches and individuals through times of crises, to minister well and to prepare for the future. These words help us to make good decisions and remain strengthened in our resolve.


I appreciate the rendering of this gift as Utterances of Knowledge and Wisdom because it is a spoken gift. This is a gift that the Holy Spirit gives us to share with each other by speaking uplifting words into each other’s lives. He might lead us to share the Gospel with a stranger and give us just the right words to say. He might give us the perfect words of comfort to someone who is hurting or encouragement to someone with doubts.


This gift can partner with the gift of exhortation to recognize someone’s gifts and call them into action.


The Holy Spirit can use us to lovingly give counsel, correction or advice to a brother or sister in Christ. He might urge us to speak up about an important course of action for the church, to offer correction or to lead in a new positive direction.


Ministry should be Spirit-empowered and Spirit-led and to do that, we need to become sensitive to God’s leading. Part of the role of the Holy Spirit as our Parakletos, is to counsel, lead and guide us as we serve God and minister to others. Reflect on these Old Testament verses which anticipate the coming of the Spirit:


You guide me with your counsel… -Psalm 73:24a


I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you with me eye upon you. –Psalm 32:8


And your ears shall hear a word behind you saying “This is the way, walk in it…” –Isaiah 30:21a


Sometimes, the Spirit might lead you to help someone you see in need, or guide you into a divine appointment, an opportunity to minister to someone in need and share the love of God with them.


The Spirit can also work through us to affirm one another and spur each other into action. I have received words of encouragement, comfort, up-building and strengthening from other believers on many occasions.


The ministry of encouragement is truly valuable to the church and when we are tuned in listening to the Spirit speaking, we can be a source of strength and courage to other believers. Words of knowledge and wisdom that come through the Spirit are going to be anchored in God’s word, giving counsel to help people through difficult times, delivering loving correction and speaking encouragement into their lives. The Holy Spirit can speak wise advice and counsel through any believer at any time, so remain alert, be sensitive and when you feel His prompting, Speak Up!!!



to another gifts of healing


Any time someone is healed of a disease or injury God should be given the glory. I believe the gift of Faith is intentionally listed right before healing, because faith and God’s goodness are key factors. When an individual or group of people pray over someone who is sick and that person gets well, it was a gift from the Holy Spirit. Any believer can pray for someone to be healed and God can respond to that prayer. A person or group of people with great faith might frequently pray for someone to be healed and then see God respond by making the person well. Healing is a gift from God and He should receive all of the glory. James wrote:


Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick. -James 5:14-15


This verse indicates faith on the part of the person seeking healing to call for the elders and a group prayer that prevents any single person from taking credit or seeking glory for themselves. The laying on of hands in prayer is frequently associated with healing. The power to heal comes from the Holy Spirit, not from ourselves. When we lay hands on someone and pray, the healing power of the Holy Spirit flows through us and into them. The Holy Spirit can give a gift of healing through the prayers of any believer or group of believers. God’s word shows us that this happens when we pray in faith.


I have witnessed countless situations in my life where people were prayed for and received healing and recovery. I have known of genetic diseases being cured, internal injuries healing up and remarkable recoveries from illness, all as a result of prayer.


When I was a sophomore in high school, my nose was shattered in an accident at baseball practice. I lost a shocking amount of blood and the coach who was with me was concerned I was going to bleed out. I asked that coach, who was involved with our Fellowship of Christian Athletes group, to pray in agreement with me that the bleeding would stop. We prayed and the blood flow was immediately quenched like a faucet being turned off.



to another the working of miracles


A miracle is something that defies the natural order of things. When God chooses to act in a supernatural way for the benefit and well-being of people that is a miracle. When a person has been given a terminal diagnosis and they suddenly get well against all odds and medical reason that could be considered a miracle. The apostles worked miracles just as Jesus did. We should not use the word miracle lightly. A victory by a sports team is not a miracle. A surprise financial benefit might be a great blessing to a family in need—but that is not a miracle. Turning water into wine—that was a miracle. Giving a blind man sight—that was a miracle. We should not deny true miracles when they happen, but we should not use the word loosely either. We should exercise wisdom and discretion when we hear reports of miracles. Though, as I mentioned above, I am aware of genuine, verifiable medical miracles.



to another the ability to distinguish between spirits


A person with the gift of discernment or distinguishing between spirits can sense selfish or harmful motives. They will quickly recognize false teaching and false teachers and discover doctrines of demons.


Paul wrote that he did not want us to be unaware of the devil’s schemes. Someone with this gift will be skeptical of someone who is trying to take advantage of other believers. A discerning person will realize when someone is trying to deceive them by speaking half-truths. They will be wise to discover plots to trick the church or individuals into making bad decisions.


Someone with the gift of discernment will also be aware of times the Holy Spirit is moving in a unique, powerful or special way. They can tell the difference between a genuine move of God and what is merely the strong influence of a slick, fast talking leader. They can discern pure intentions and sense the presence of ulterior motives.


The gift of discernment enables a person to notice when someone is twisting Scripture or pulling it out of context in order to mislead or manipulate. A person with this gift might often be called “divisive,” because they make waves and break illusions, but in reality, these are the people who keep the church from being torn apart by false teachings. It has always been false teaching, doctrines of demons, that causes division in the church and problems between brothers and sisters. The gift of discernment is given to help the church recognize smooth talking, divisive, false teachers and to keep the TRUE church unified.




to another various kinds of tongues,

to another the interpretation of tongues


We have learned that on the day of Pentecost, as believers spoke, each person in the crowd heard them speaking in their own language. Words were spoken in one language but heard in many languages, or dialektos. Because of this supernatural miracle, the Gospel was able to be shared. This is the only occasion in Scripture where such a hearing miracle is recorded, though God could do it again if He wanted to.


We have also learned that something special happened on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon a group of Jews living in the Promised Land, on a second occasion when the Holy Spirit first came to the Gentiles and on a third and final occasion when the Holy Spirit filled a group of Jews living outside of the Promised Land. On each occasion they were filled with the Spirit and spoke in tongues as a sign of equality to demonstrate that God loved them all and considered them His children. There is no other record in the Bible of an individual or group of people speaking in tongues when they were saved. For this reason, I believe these were special situations with a purpose and are not the normal Biblical experience or the normal Christian experience. It is incorrect to say that speaking in tongues is the sign of a person being saved or the one and only sign of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Speaking in Tongues is, however, a valid spiritual gift. 


Paul confirms that not all Christians speak or pray in tongues when he discusses the gift further in 1 Corinthians 14. He also teaches that when a person miraculously speaks or prays in another language they are speaking to God and not to men.


The Bible seems to indicate that some people may have the ability to allow the Holy Spirit to pray through them even if they don’t understand the words. This shows a complete submission to God’s purposes, trust in Him and a desire for His will to be done. Paul prayed this way and also in his own language with understanding. Some people call this a private prayer language. I know people who pray this way when they are praying for healing for another person and in their private prayer lives.


I also know people who listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting or consult Scripture about how they should pray and what to pray for with understanding. Paul indicates that praying in the Holy Spirit builds an individual up. I believe this occurs by connecting with God through prayer in a very intimate way.


Praying in a tongue is one thing. I have been in situations where group prayer was taking place and people were praying out loud, sometimes all at once and some in tongues. In principle, I have no problem with that, though sensitivity to visitors is advised. I was once visiting churches with a friend and a woman near us blurted something out in a weird tongue. He wouldn’t visit any more churches with me after that.


Delivering a message in front of the church in a tongue is a different situation. Paul encourages anyone who speaks in tongues (glossa) to ask God for the gift of Interpretation so that the whole church can be built up. No one should speak in a tongue during a gathering of the church unless there is someone there to interpret. While multiple individuals might have ascended to the platform to teach in the ancient synagogues and early Christian gatherings, most churches today do not conduct meetings that way. It would be considered wildly inappropriate for someone to shout out something in the middle of a service in a known language. How much more outrageous would it be to interrupt in a language no one understands? I have sat through a few terrible moments of bad teaching in my life and if God were to choose to interrupt a service and get people’s attention with a message in another language, then that is His prerogative. But it would need to be given with permission, decently and in order. No one should ever just stand up and shout something out in an unknown language. The Bible teaches that God is the author of peace, not confusion and that the spirit of prophets is subject to the prophets. That means that if God truly wants to speak a message in another language through a person, then that person will have the discernment to deliver the message in a way that sows peace, not chaos and the interpretation will bring clarity, not confusion.


The gift of interpretation is usually under-stood to mean the supernatural ability to understand a spontaneous message given by the Holy Spirit in another language, though it can also apply to interpreting for someone who has come into the assembly speaking their own foreign language that no one understands.


I will admit that, sometimes, when I hear someone who thinks they are praying in tongues, I think they are probably not. Babbling nonsense syllables with lots of repetition like babababa or nuhnuhnuhnah, is not speaking in tongues. Repeating something you think is a word over and over again is not speaking in tongues. Speaking in a tongue is supernaturally talking in another complete language with intelligible speech. I have never spoken or prayed in tongues, but I will be respectful of those who believe they have this gift. I believe it is a sin to forbid missionaries or seminary professors from using this gift. Verse 39 orders us not to forbid speaking in tongues.


Mostly, I believe we have missed out on the greater point. On the day of Pentecost, the curse from the Tower of Babel when languages were confused was reversed for the sake of good communication and spreading the Gospel. Based on what I've learned about cognates and ancient languages, I am convinced that tongues were loosened and speech impediments were removed for many who were present that day and that the ability to properly pronounce other languages was a new gift to the early church. They weren’t supposed to use it to show off, but rather to build up the church. If someone comes into the assembly speaking a different language, they should only be allowed to do so with an interpreter so that all may hear and understand. 


I had a Seminary professor who was incredibly gifted with languages. He could read, speak, understand and teach multiple languages fluently and most importantly, could explain what words meant. He clearly had a gift that could only have come from the Lord.


I will be charitable and loving toward my fellow believers who pray in tongues and try not to underestimate the importance of that gift. I personally believe that the primary ways the gifts of tongues and interpretation are manifested in the church today is in the ability to learn, pronounce and speak other languages for spreading the Gospel and in the ability to see patterns in language and to study, understand, interpret and explain God’s word for the benefit of others.



helping (verse 27)


A person with the gift of helps is able to perceive the needs of others and to know how to embrace them, walk alongside of them and help them. This might mean providing for a need, assisting in a difficult situation or noticing something that others missed.


The Holy Spirit empowers some believers to notice people who might be in need, hurting, neglected, lonely or discouraged. The Spirit also empowers them to know how to help and find the means necessary to do so. This could be providing for physical needs such as food or clothing or completing repairs at no charge. It could mean providing support and assistance to someone’s ministry efforts. It could mean finding someone a ride to church, providing help with groceries, assisting a single mom with childcare or mentoring a young believer with questions. This gift is about perceptiveness that leads to action.



administrating (verse 27)


The government or administration of the church comes from the word for steering a ship, kubernesis. My Papa served in the U.S. Navy in the aftermath of World War II. One of his jobs was as an assistant Helmsman. The Helmsman is the one who mans the steering wheel. He told the story of a time when he was on duty and heard an unfamiliar voice behind him giving specific and detailed instructions with regular changes in course and direction. After an uncertain period of time, he was relieved of duty and given the rest of his shift off. As he turned around, a man who was either the Captain or the Executive Officer put a hand on his shoulder and told him well done son, you just steered us through a mine field.


In the same way those men watched their instruments for danger, the church is given overseers, like the lookout on a ship, sitting up in the crow’s nest to watch out for trouble on the horizon. An administrator, or helmsman, is responsible for steering the ship, the church, in the right direction, maneuvering it around obstacles and guiding it through perilous waters. He helps to plot the course and keep the church going in the right direction. He watches out for trouble, protects from danger, guides the church to make wise decisions, and encourages us to take wise actions and reach our goals—sharing the gospel and making disciples.




When the Roman Empire abandoned believer's baptism and began baptizing infants and enemies, telling them they were Christian, the practice of true Biblical Christianity fell by the wayside as a form of powerless, unregenerate, cultural Christianity came into prominence. It was during this time that the pages of history became devoid of the miraculous. Spiritual gifts, healing, prophecy and other such displays of the supernatural power of God seemed to cease. Cultural observers decided that God himself had taken the gifts away or stopped bestowing them, when in reality, I believe that many people were not experiencing the power of God because they were not truly saved and filled with His Spirit, or were poorly taught and immature disciples.  

Now, here is the turn, the foundation for the belief of cessationism lies outside of the boundaries of Scripture. It is, itself, a form of adding to and subtracting from God's word. It is form of religion that denies the power of God. 1 Corinthians 14:39 commands the following: So, my brothers, earnestly desire to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues. Cessationism is a sin and a heresy because it defies the clear teaching of Scripture. 

In the same way that the human body has many parts, all of great importance, the Holy Spirit continues to give members of the Body of Christ a variety of Spiritual Gifts, each with an important function. We all have different gifts, but are equally important as brothers and sisters. All of the gifts are sent by God for the well-being of the whole church. No gift should be banned and no one should be mistreated or favored on the basis of their gift.


God has given us different gifts, but all are important. No one should ever be arrogant because of their gift. All of the gifts are interconnected like the hand is connected to the arm. They work together in beautiful harmony. For example, Teaching equips believers to use their gifts. Exhortation calls and directs those gifts into service. Giving provides the means for Service. Faith is evidenced through Prayer. Empathy is put into action through Showing Mercy. 

Our gifts are meant to serve, equip and help one another as the Holy Spirit ministers through us bringing harmony to the church. We should humbly employ our gifts for the benefit of others. 



Memory Verse: As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. -1 Peter 4:10


If you would like an in-depth look at the complete work of the Holy Spirit, my book PNEUMA: Understanding the Person, Power and Purpose of the Holy Spirit is ON SALE this week on Amazon for only .99 cents.

[1] Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Logos Bible Software, 1995.