Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Order of Salvation

I disagree with any theological system which claims that Regeneration precedes Repentance and Faith.  Regeneration is a term that is synonymous with being born again, saved or renewed by the Holy Spirit. It is absolutely wrong to teach that a person can be saved without first repenting of their sins and placing their faith, hope and trust in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation. Yet, this incorrect ordo salutis, or order of salvation, which claims that people are saved before they repent of their sins, is shockingly common. Paul contrasted that view when he wrote:

If you confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. One believes with the heart, resulting in righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, resulting in salvation. –Romans 10:9-10

This passage clearly demonstrates a cause and effect. If you believe with your heart, which is faith, then the result is that you will be justified, or put into a right standing with God. If you confess with your mouth, then you will receive salvation. One action clearly precedes the other. Believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth are pre-requisites for receiving salvation. 

To be saved comes from the Greek word sozo. It means to make whole or heal, to keep safe, to rescue from danger or destruction. It means to be saved from injury or danger and restored to health. 

In verse 13, Paul goes on to explain:

For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

First, you have to call on the name of the Lord, then you will be saved. To call upon the name of the Lord, Epikaleomai Onoma Kurios, means to cry out to God in sincerity and desperation, making an appeal to Him, asking to be called by His name. This means that if you want to be saved, rescued, forgiven and set free from the power of sin, you must humble yourself before God and ask Him to save you. This is why I teach that praying some type of sinner’s prayer is wise. Acts 3:19 teaches:

Therefore repent and turn back, so that your sins may be wiped out.

To repent means to turn away from your sins and turn toward God. Repentance is often left out of the equation in popular church culture, but it is required and absolutely essential if we want to be forgiven of our sins and have the slate wiped clean.

Jesus said that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. –Luke 24:47

Repentance comes first, then we are forgiven of our sins.

Peter further instructed:

Repent and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. –Acts 2:38

If we desire to be forgiven of our sins and be saved by the restoring, regenerating, renewing power of the Holy Spirit, then we must first turn away from our sins. That does not mean that we have to live in sinless perfection, but it does mean that we must agree with God that our sins are wrong and seek his forgiveness and strength to live as He wants us to. Baptism is a way of publicly demonstrating our faith. This verse indicates to me that Baptism should be administered as quickly as possible when a person repents of their sins and confesses belief in Jesus. I will be suspicious of anyone who claims to be a Christian, but has not been obedient to be baptized.

Following the instructions of the passages mentioned above will lead to salvation. But in each case, people are required to turn to God before they are saved.

No one is ever saved before they repent of sin, confess belief or otherwise call out to God. Yet there are still those who claim that people are saved and receive the Holy Spirit before repenting of their sins and placing their faith, hope and trust in Jesus Christ. That is the polar opposite of what Scripture teaches.

The confusion comes because some people forget the CALL of God. Jesus said:

 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them. –John 6:44

It is through the Holy Spirit that God calls us, or draws us toward Himself to be saved. John wrote:

He will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgement. –John 16:7-8

Conviction is good because it calls us to make a decision. When I was a child, I remember pastors talking about hearing the still, small voice of God calling us on the inside. Over and over the book of Hebrews quotes:

Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.

When we have heard the word of God preached and we hear His voice calling us, we must make the choice to either answer the call and be saved or to ignore his voice, reject Him and be hardened in our ways.  He calls first, but we must call back. We have to respond in faith by believing in our heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and confessing with our mouth that He is Lord, the one in charge of our life. We must repent of our sins and turn toward God, calling back to the one who called out to us first, THEN we can be saved.

Any teaching that claims a person can be saved without first repenting of their sins and placing their faith in Jesus is an Inaccurate teaching and a misleading Gospel. It grieves me when men mock the idea of praying a sinner's prayer, speak derisively about deciding to follow Jesus or scorn the concept of asking Jesus into their heart. I understand how some people might be confused because they were in rebellion, running away from God and then suddenly felt God speaking to their heart. They think the moment they heard the Holy Spirit calling them to repentance that they were already saved. But no one is saved until they answer the call. No one will be filled with the Holy Spirit and experience regeneration and renewal without first repenting of sin and placing their faith, hope and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. We need to be rescued from judgement and the power of sin. Our souls need to be healed and restored. God is ready to save you. Have you responded to His calling?


If you enjoyed this article, you might like: The Essentials

Friday, May 1, 2020

The Essentials

I was recently asked to write a one page summary of my Christian beliefs. I thought, what are the most essential elements of the faith that should be included in just one page?  

Jesus is the Son of God. He has always existed along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. All things were created through Him. He came to earth and was born of a virgin. He is fully God and fully man. Jesus died on the cross to take the punishment for our sins. He rose bodily from the grave, appeared to many people and ascended into heaven. One day He is coming back to take those of us who believe to heaven to be with Him.  

Jesus’ willing sacrifice was sufficient to provide atonement for the sins of the whole world and every person in it, but only those who repent of their sins and confess Him as Lord will be saved. To be saved a person must call upon the name of the Lord, which means to make an appeal to God, calling out to Him, asking to be called by His name. This is why I teach that we should ask God to forgive us and invite Jesus to come into our hearts through His Spirit. When a person does that, the Holy Spirit takes up permanent residence in their heart. This is known as regeneration or being born again. He renews and restores us and heals our souls. He will never leave us or forsake us. 

Baptism is a command and the first act of obedience which is our public profession of faith that demonstrates we are dying to sin and being raised to new life in Jesus Christ. Believers should immediately by Baptized into the church following salvation.

When we are saved, we are justified, which means to be put into a right standing with God. We receive the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation and the Spirit continually works in our lives, changing us to be more like Jesus. This process is known as sanctification. We continue to mature as we grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus throughout our lives.  

There will be a judgement where the righteous receive glorified bodies and are rewarded with eternal life in heaven. Unbelievers will be thrown into the lake of fire where all evil will be destroyed. This lends urgency to the Great Commission, when all Christians were sent out to share the Gospel, the good news about the salvation and forgiveness available through Jesus Christ. 

We have the privilege of gathering together as the church to worship God and enjoy fellowship with other believers. The observance of the Lord’s Supper is a beautiful picture of this communion and a reminder of our covenant with God. All Christians have the responsibility to disciple other believers and help them grow.