Friday, April 28, 2023

Holy Spirit Book Announcement

I am thrilled to announce that my complete Bible Study PNEUMA: Understanding the Person, Power and Purpose of the Holy Spirit is now available in Paperback, Hardback and Kindle E-book. 

Experience the Peace that the Presence of the Holy Spirit brings into your life. Learn about the Spirit's role in salvation, the renewal of the human mind and the positive change He brings about in our lives. Investigate Prophecy to learn the qualities of the Holy Spirit. Reflect upon the awesome display of power that came rushing in on the day of Pentecost. Learn about the good fruits of the Holy Spirit...and the poisoned fruit that comes from elsewhere. Study the spiritual gifts that empower Christians for ministry. Recognize the Spirit of God's ability to inspire creative works. Enjoy the satisfaction of being filled with the Holy Spirit.

Click Here to Purchase PNEUMA on Amazon

You can watch the YouTube trailer for this book here: 

Book Trailer: Pneuma: Understanding the Person, Power and Purpose of the Holy Spirit