Saturday, November 5, 2016

Lucky #13: The Issues That Helped Me Decide How To Vote In This Troubling Election

This election is hard. I usually try to vote for the candidate with the best character, followed by the best qualifications regardless of party, but that strategy did not work for me this time. So I decided to vote solely on issues. With all of the nasty politics and ugly character assasinations, the issues have taken a backseat to the noise. For me, personally, I prioritized issues where there is a clear Biblical teaching, mandate, or principle to follow, or a direct impact on the church or a danger to religious freedom. Last Saturday I voted a straight Republican ticket based on these issues which I feel are wise and important for Christians to consider, not because I agree with Republicans about everything, or because I like all of their candidates, but because these issues matter to me personally:
The Democratic party platform is:
1. pro-abortion, even late term abortion
2. in favor of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide
3. supports federal funding of planned parenthood
4. against traditional, Biblical view of marriage/supports homosexual marriage
5. against religious liberty and conscience when it comes to providing goods and services (including abortive contraceptive measures, pastors performing wedding ceremonies, etc.)
6. could end tax exemption and begin taxing church offering money
7. Anti-Israel (favors creation of a Palestinian state)
8. favors allowing men who are biologically male with man parts to use womens restrooms and locker room facilities with women present in them (transgender issues)
9. desires to elevate so-called "gender identity" and sexual orientation to protected status along with religion, race and actual gender (which could force schools and businesses to hire individuals who could be sexually deviant or mentally ill)
10. against requiring parental consent for minors to receive abortions
11. favors requiring religious pregnancy centers to pass out literature and inform women about free abortions or be fined (as per California law)
12. favors decriminalizing marijuana
13. believes Christians should change our religious convictions and cultural codes
There are many other issues pressing on our society, but I have presented a few of those where there have been clear statements and conspicuous no-comments from the leading political parties. On these particular issues, at this particular time, the Republican party is in agreement with Scripture, Christian beliefs and Moral practices. At least the new President will appoint faithful constitutionalists to the Supreme Court and protect us from democrat-nominated Supreme Court justices who will legislate radical changes and actively promote the democratic political agenda from the bench. I appreciate that he has publicly met with Christian leaders and shown some respect for our beliefs and concerns.
This is a tough election. I can understand how it might be hard for a committed Christian to stomach voting for Mr. Trump, it was hard for me, (I threw up in the parking lot afterward) but it should be harder to consider voting for Mrs. Clinton. While I respect those who might decide to write in a candidate to make a statement, In the end, I clicked the box for a straight Republican party ticket so that I didn't have to check the box next to his name. While the Republican party has its faults and Mr. Trump has certainly not shown himself to be a bastion of Christian morality, I feel fine with my decision to support the party that has shown at least some respect to me, my faith, my church and most importantly, God. I feel that our best opportunity to continue living in a country where we are free to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and can raise families in a safe and moral environment is to vote for the party that will protect those rights and champion those causes. I only hope that they will mature and learn to do so with a compassionate conservatism that treats all people with dignity and respect.

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