Thursday, June 25, 2020

Supporting Planned Parenthood IS Systemic Racism

If you are truly concerned with ending Systemic Racism in this country, then abolishing the flagship organization of the abortion industry known as Planned Parenthood is the first place to start. Their founder and role model, Margaret Sanger, devoted her life to eugenics. She was an evil sociopath who wanted to exterminate black babies before they were ever born. If anyone in the 20th century was more evil than Adolf Hitler, it was Margaret Sanger.

Margaret Sanger was mentally sick and demented, morally twisted and delusional. She hated people whom she deemed inferior to herself because of race, intelligence or financial status and devised a plan to systematically eliminate them from existence. In keeping with her legacy of Hate, 80% of all Planned Parenthood facilities are located within walking distance of Black and Latino communities--by design. The majority of abortions in this country are performed on minority women—52%. THAT is Systemic Racism. Planned Parenthood receives Half a Billion dollars from the Federal Government each year and then makes large contributions to politicians to keep the money flowing and influence legislation. Last year Planned Parenthood executed 345,672 innocent babies before they ever had the chance to be born. That means that they murdered approximately 179,750 Black and Latino children. If you truly believe that black lives matter, then you must stand against this racist company that massacred 179,750 minority children last year to prevent them from entering our society. 

If you believe that encouraging Black or Latino women to abort their babies will benefit them or society in any way, then you are a Racist. If you believe that abortions help poor women to "prosper" financially or in their career, then you are prejudiced in favor of the wealthy and advantaged. You are an elitist who looks down on others. If you support an organization that has made countless millions of dollars by exploiting vulnerable women, pressuring them to pay to have their babies terminated in the womb, then you are depraved. If you support the organization Planned Parenthood, then you ARE Systemic Racism. If you support the abortion industry that has massacred over 60 million babies, then you are evil and an enemy of God. I hope you will repent and change your mind. 

Murdering minority babies is not new. The racist Egyptian ruler Pharoah became concerned that the Hebrew people, a minority in Egypt, were becoming too numerous. He feared them and viewed them as "other," and not his own subjects. He ordered Shiphrah and Puah, the Hebrew midwives, to kill all male infants the moment they were born. These two brave women blatantly defied Pharoah and respected God more than the government and were protected and rewarded. And do you know what their reward was? God gave them families and children of their own!!! Children were the reward. Psalm 127:3 declares that 

Children are a gift from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is His reward. 

Pharoah could not even stand up to these two remarkable women and did not dare punish them. He did however order all Hebrew parents to throw their sons into the Nile river. But Moses' mother would not kill her child. When she was no longer able to hide him from the Egyptian soldiers, she prepared a basket of reeds and lined it with tar to keep it water tight and afloat and then placed him inside it among the reeds where it could not float away. His sister Miriam watched over him continually. Providentially, Pharoah's daughter found him and had compassion. Moses' own mother was given her son back and paid a salary to nurse and care for him. Ultimately, God used Moses to bring the Egyptian empire to its knees and set the slaves free. 

Most people are familiar with the saying “An eye for an eye,” but miss the fact that it only applied to one situation. The law that Moses delivered, found in the book of Deuteronomy, mitigated the revenge culture of the ancient world. But there was one instance in which absolute equivalent revenge was not only allowed, but required under the old law:

When men get in a fight and hit a pregnant woman so that her children are born prematurely but there is no injury, the one who hit her must be fined as the woman's husband demands from him, and he must pay according to judicial assessment. But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. -Exodus 21:22-23.

The law shows us what sin is. It teaches us the difference between good and evil, holy and unholy, right and wrong. If the law required reimbursement, punishment or death for the accidental or careless cause of harm or death to a child in the womb, how much more serious of a sin is it to intentionally kill a child in utero? 

One of the most heinous acts of terrorism in the ancient world was to cut the pregnant wives of one's enemies in the stomach with a sword, killing both mother and pre-born child to prevent the perpetuation of their bloodline, nation or race. Every day, Planned Parenthood is committing acts of domestic terrorism against minority children, sanctioned by the Supreme Court of our land, funded by our federal government and supported by politicians. THAT is Systemic Racism. In the first chapter of the book of Amos, the prophet records God's words of judgement and punishment against the Ammonites because they ripped open the pregnant women of Gilead. God's anger burned against the violent murder of pre-born children. 

Obviously, I'm not suggesting the death penalty for those involved in abortion, but rather emphasizing the seriousness of the sin. When we speak of abortion, we should be Redemptive. Women and young girls walk into abortion clinics full of fear, tricked into believing they have no other option, fooled by Satan and deceived by an organization that is designed to profit from their misfortune. They walk out as murderers—with either a seared conscience that suppresses remorse---or with feelings of loss, shame, pain or guilt. We need to offer them forgiveness and hope for the future. JESUS already died to avenge that child’s death. He paid life for life--the price required for the mother’s forgiveness. He has balanced the scales and made things right. The child is safe in heaven with him. She needs mercy, grace, help, healing and restoration.

Women who become pregnant as a result of rape and incest are lied to and told that abortion will "get rid" of or solve their problems. But that is a lie straight from the devil's mouth. He wants to turn a victim into an abuser. He wants to turn the traumatized into the traumatizer. He wants to manipulate the victim of a crime into a becoming a criminal herself by tricking her into committing murder. The best possible outcome in those horrible situations is for the woman to give the child a chance to live and then offer the baby up for adoption if she does not wish to raise her attacker's child herself. She can then go through life with a clean conscience knowing that even though she was horrifically violated and abused, she did not let it change who she is. She gave the child a chance to live and a family a chance to love them.  

From the first sessions of sex Ed, young girls who become pregnant outside of marriage are told the lie that having a child will ruin their life, but the truth is that murdering a child will ruin their life. Time and again I have witnessed rebellious, out of control young women, calm down, straighten their lives out and experience great joy in motherhood. The child rescued them as much as they rescued the child by choosing life. We should support organizations such as Embrace Grace that show the love of Jesus by providing assistance and support to young mothers-to-be in need. 

Let's examine what the Bible teaches about pre-born children. When Elizabeth heard her Cousin Mary's greeting, her child John reacted in the womb:

For you see, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby leaped for joy inside me. 

John the Baptist heard Mary, who arrived with Jesus, the Savior of the world alive inside of her, and he reacted with emotion in the womb. This pre-born child felt joy.

The foolish Supreme Court decision in the landmark Roe vs. Wade case that essentially "legalized" abortion in this country was based on antiquated pseudo-scientific fallacy. With the invention of ultra sound imaging, we now know much more about the way a child develops in the womb. For example, in child development class, we learned that the ear bones begin to develop in the 8th week of pregnancy. It is unclear how early the child can begin to hear, but by the 16th week, the ears are fully formed and the child hears everything the mother hears. This is why it is important for mothers to be careful what they watch and listen to. It also means that mothers can take great pleasure in speaking to their babies. They are learning in the womb. As usual, proper science proves the Bible has been correct all along. 

In Jeremiah 1:5, God tells the prophet:

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

Psalm 139:13-16 describes the creation of each and every child conceived:

For it was you who created my inward parts. You knit me together in my mother's womb. I will praise you because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. Your works are marvelous, and I know this very well. My bones were not hidden from you when I was made in secret, when I was formed in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in your book and planned before a single one of them began.

Every baby is respectfully and carefully made by God. It is God who gives that child a soul and this is a spectacular reality that demands our reverence. Every child is created in the image of God and is worthy of dignity, honor and respect. We can never allow any person, party, political agenda or greedy, exploitive abortion organization to devalue human life. Every child conceived has a plan and a purpose designed by God. It is a horrific sin to stop that life before the child ever draws breath. A mother's womb should be the safest place for a baby to be.

Because of Jesus, our job is not that of Avenger or Revenger. Our job is to offer help and hope, to bring them to the redeemer. Our job is protector, finding ways to offer assistance and support. If you want to end Systemic Racism, then you must stand against the abortion industry and its flagship organization, Planned Parenthood. All people are created in the image of God. We must protect all human life. And we must offer redemption, forgiveness and restoration to those who have participated in the evil of abortion because Jesus already died for them. He already paid the penalty for their sins. Their lives are sacred too.

We can talk philosophy and even change minds about the wicked practice of abortion, but what we really need to do is support women. Planned Parenthood is violating their not-for-profit status in every abortion clinic on a daily basis by making money off the desperation of disadvantaged women. They have been proven by Live Action to be guilty of selling baby parts for profit. Planned Parenthood has defrauded the government out of Billions of tax dollars to make it's executives rich. Planned Parenthood even took 80 million dollars of stimulus money which lawmakers specifically forbid them from having. As I mentioned before, that organization receives $500,000,000 in taxpayer money each year. Wouldn't it be great if the Federal Government reallocated those funds to provide formula, diapers, clothing and car seats for babies? And speaking of car seats, the government should end the dishonest practice of putting expiration dates on car seats to force families to buy a new one for each child.  They could also increase WIC. For 4 years working at a grocery store, I personally witnessed the effectiveness of this wonderful program which provides formula and nutritious food for Women, Infants and Children according to need. What if Planned Parenthood facilities were repurposed into pregnancy centers where women in need could receive free pre-natal care? Or provide free pediatric care for infants and young children? Those facilities, which have essentially been paid for by government dollars, could be used to host parenting classes, kinder-music and provide a wide variety of services that empower and assist women and children. Instead of cultivating a culture of death and usury, these places could be utilized to nurture a vibrant culture of life and equality.

I do not anticipate that our government will ever do these things, though we should advocate for it. But perhaps the Church can...

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