Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Dangers of the Deceitfully Named "Equality Act"

On Wednesday, February 24, the U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on the deceptively named "Equality Act." The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) has stated that the misleading labeled "Equality Act" is the most significant threat to religious liberty ever considered in the United States Congress. With a  name that is deliberately designed to deceive, this legislation is a bold faced attack on Christian morality and the Christian faith.  It is a direct assault on Christian adoption agencies, charities and other organizations that operate in the public sphere. The ERLC has addressed some of the religious liberty issues at stake:  ERLC | Why should Christians oppose the Equality Act?

I have updated this post from last fall that addresses some of these issues. This act would effectively nullify the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 and that is precisely what it is intended to do. It is no less than an all out ambush on religion meant to advance a sinful, radical liberal agenda. Below is a photograph of page 42 of the official 2020 Democratic Party platform which revealed their intentions with this bill and about which I warned you. 

Highlighted below in yellow is the democratic threat to create a national law that requires "transgender" students to be given access to bathrooms, locker rooms and changing facilities with members of the opposite biological sex. A transgender person is someone whose self-perception of their sexual identity is different than their biological sex. This would allow mentally ill teenage boys with gender dysphoria to undress in front of and shower naked with underage girls and vice versa. This is sick, twisted and morally evil and if you support it, you are a pervert with what the Bible calls a depraved mind, and you and I are not friends. 

In the section circled in orange, the Democratic Party has declared their intention to force Christian adoption agencies to allow people who oppose Biblical morals, values and views of sexuality to adopt defenseless children. Christ followers who have devoted their lives to finding loving, safe, healthy homes for children would be forced to either close their doors or to hand the most vulnerable kids over to people with Transgenderism, mentally ill people with gender dysphoria who think they are the opposite sex or to consign children to those whom the LGBTQ+ movement identifies as Queer+, a term which is meant to be inclusive of all sexual choices  no matter how far they deviate from God's laws, Christian morals and Judeo-Christian values.

The section marked off in blue shows that democrats plan to ban any attempt to “convert” homosexuals by helping them to turn away from their sins and live according to a Biblical morality. These socialist democrats are directly aligning themselves against a Biblical worldview and against Christians who try to help LGBTQ+ persons. It is the responsibility of every true Christian to show the love of Jesus to sinners. The good news about Jesus is that we can all repent of our sins, which means to turn away from them, be forgiven and follow Him. To be clear, it is Jesus who does the converting, not any therapy or person, but banning all types of Biblical and Christian counseling and therapy toward LGBTQ persons is a deliberate attack on the ministry and prevents the sharing of the true Gospel and the offering of genuine hope. 

The passage marked in dark pink demonstrates that the Dems are vowing to force government employees to create fraudulent documents that “legally” identify males as women and females as men.

Much of this section of the Democratic Party platform has now been codified as the "Equality Act." This is a direct encroachment on the Christian community, morality, science, common sense and basic human decency. I believe all people should be treated with dignity and respect. I do NOT support the agenda being pushed by the LGBTQ community. I believe in a Biblical morality. This act will cause harm to innocent children and promote deviant sexual behavior that poses a threat to all people, especially the most vulnerable. It will expose Christians to a nonstop onslaught of legal attacks and bullying from LGBTQ organizations as we have already begun to witness. The "Equality Act" is an attempt to outlaw the full and open practice of the Christian faith. 

In case you don't know what Biblical morality is:

In the book of Leviticus, chapter 18, sexual relationships are outlawed between close relatives including parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, in-laws, step-brothers, step-sisters, and step-children. Men are forbidden from having sex with other men. Married people are forbidden from having sex with someone else's spouse and everyone is forbidden from having sex with animals.

Song of Solomon 8:8 and Ezekiel 16:7 indicate that it is inappropriate to have sex with underage girls.

Mark 10:6 records the words of Jesus as He quotes from Genesis 1:27 affirming that from the beginning, God created human beings as male and female in His own image.

Deuteronomy 22:5 commands that men may not dress like women and women are not allowed to dress like men. 

Deuteronomy 17:17 and 1 Timothy 3:2 teach that any man with more than one wife is unfit to lead God's people. Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:31 and Mark 10:7 all teach that marriage is between one man and one woman.

Romans 1:24-32 show that violating God's laws about sexuality is still considered sin under the New Covenant and adds that it is wrong for women to have sexual relations with other women. 

1 Corinthians 6:8-10 affirms these teachings and adds that it is wrong to have sex before marriage. This passage warns people not to defraud or harm each other in sexual ways.

1 Thessalonians 4:3-8 really cuts to the heart of the matter:

For this is God's will, your sanctification: that you keep away from sexual immorality, that each of you knows how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not with lustful passions, like the Gentiles, who don't know God. This means one must not transgress against or take advantage of a brother or sister in this manner, because the Lord is an avenger of all these offenses, as we also previously told and warned you. For God has not called us to impurity but to live in holiness. Consequently, anyone who rejects this does not reject man, but God, who gives you His Holy Spirit.

The word translated here as sexual immorality is porneai, which refers to all of the sexual sins listed above. God does not want anyone to transgress, take advantage of or harm another person in any sexual way ever. Any attempt to deceive, mislead, misuse, force, coerce, pressure, plot against, manipulate, cross boundaries, rape or otherwise take advantage of someone is directly against God's will. It is His will and stated desire that no one would ever be hurt in any sexual way.  For this reason, as a Christian, it is my responsibility to oppose this sinful platform and the "Equality Act" designed to advance it with every fiber of my being and I exhort you to do the same. 

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