Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The "Equality" Act Endangers Women and Attacks People of Faith

 Today I read the maliciously misnamed “Equality” Act and it is far worse than I could have ever imagined. This legislation is anti-women, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, anti-Christian, anti-science, anti-doctor and because it prevents efforts to provide Christian counseling, care and help to those who identify as LGBTQ, I believe the act is harmful to the very community it purports to protect. The bill is so clever in its conception and crafty in its construction that only a true sociopath could have written it.


If you have a teenage daughter going off to college, the school would legally be required to allow a biological male who identifies as transgender to be placed in a dorm room with her or another girl and to use the women’s bathroom and showers. The act specifically lists restrooms, locker rooms and dressing facilities as areas where the law of the United States of America would require men who call themselves women to have simultaneous and unrestricted access. Men can dress as women and participate in girl’s sports which is not only unfair, but dangerous. Men who call themselves women can apply for and receive women’s scholarships. As one lawyer/reporter pointed out: A transgender (bio-male) police officer or TSA agent could pat a woman down or perform a body cavity search even if they specifically requested a same sex agent. A gender dysphoric male could enter into a special room for breastfeeding mothers. The act specifically mentions shelters—which means that a mentally unstable, gender dysphoric male could sleep in a female only shelter for abused women.


Schools will be forced to hire teachers regardless of their sexual ideologies and behaviors—which is incredibly dangerous. Christian schools, colleges and universities would not be able to accept any sort of government funding or aid, vouchers or loans from students unless they complied with all of these mandates.


Christian and other faith-based adoption agencies would be completely shut out of the process unless they compromised their deeply held religious beliefs in the placement of children with those of shared faith and practice. Christian charities would likewise be descriminated against. All forms of Christian counseling, therapy and assistance designed to help LGBTQ people would be dubbed “conversion therapy” and banned. With the high rate of suicide being reported among LGBTQ persons, there is redemption, hope, healing, forgiveness and restoration to be found through Jesus, and the government is trying to outlaw any attempt to help them repent, turn to God, turn away from their self-destructive sin and live a more meaningful, restored life with dignity as the person God created them to be. They are trying to prevent Christians from offering a lifeline and they are attempting to take away the right of a person to choose to seek help to escape that lifestyle by removing the option.


It has been pointed out that the language about pregnancy discrimination is specifically and intentionally designed to accomplish the goals of the abortion industry to force doctors and nurses to perform or participate in abortions that may go against their deeply held religious beliefs. It would also force Christian employers and charities to pay for abortions and gender re-assignment surgeries.


I now see why the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention has deemed this the most dangerous threat to religious liberty ever to be considered by the U.S. Congress. This act is shockingly unequal in its treatment of women and total disregard for their safety, well-being and civil rights. They are intentionally opening a Pandora’s box of  legal issues designed to harm people of faith. We have already witnessed the bullying and vicious attacks by the LGBTQ community on Christian Bakers, Florists, Photographers and even Nuns. With this act, they specifically name the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 to nullify and remove the protections it restored.

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